Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Click the link above to read an interesting article which discusses the long-term durability of naturally-occurring limestone making limestone a proven building material that can last for centuries.
Of course this is part of why we use a limestone-based slurry in our hydraulic pressure injection application for concrete leveling. Our grout material effectively re-establishes the sub-base and creates a natural, stable sub-support for the slab.
It is unusual that the author did not mention that the Egyptian pyramids are made of limestone since they have been around for thousands of years!!!
This article was written by nationally syndicated newspaper columnist, Tim Collins, and published on the Ask The Builder website.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Coal Fly Ash EPA Ruling Controversy

The EPA continues to delay their decision on whether coal fly ash should be classified as a hazardous material. We use an agricultural limestone (ag-lime) mixture for leveling which does not include any coal fly ash. There are varied opinions on the fly ash topic and if you search the web, you will get differing perspectives relative to the dangers presented by coal fly ash. The 60 Minutes segment below addressed the 100 billion gallon coal fly ash disaster in Kingston, TN, in 2008 which is one major contributing factor in coal fly ash being reviewed by and possibly reclassified as hazardous by the EPA. The EPA's decision remains open to public contribution and discussion and is due to be formally decided later this year. More information can be viewed