In October, we successfully completed another pool project bringing our total of pool decks raised in WNY to 48 between 2007-2009. This was our first indoor pool and, more importantly, a pool in which replacement was almost inconceivable.
The house and pool were built by the owner himself 25 years ago and is a thing of beauty. The pool has a bar along the outside perimeter and a spiral staircase leading to the second floor that had also been affected by the drop of the concrete below the flagstone. Raising the pool deck back to original position using concrete leveling was the only viable way to save the pool deck from demolition.
After completing over 800 projects in the last three years, the feeling of bringing value and successfully solving another concrete issue never gets old, but this particular project brought a unique type of satisfaction. As a company, making money is a necessity; however, saving something that worthy of saving and knowing that for the owner of this pool we saved the blood, sweat and tears that go into creating something with your own hands has a particularly satisfying feeling upon completion.
Any skill worth having is a skill worth testing to ensure continued improvement...
Shown below are a before and after picture in the bar area of this project.
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